



User and Friends Permissions

User permissionFriends permissionDescription
user_about_mefriends_about_meProvides access to the "About Me" section of the profile in the about property
user_activitiesfriends_activitiesProvides access to the user's list of activities as theactivities connection
user_birthdayfriends_birthdayProvides access to the birthday with year as thebirthday property
user_checkinsfriends_checkinsProvides read access to the authorized user's check-ins or a friend's check-ins that the user can see. This permission is superseded by user_status for new applications as of March, 2012.
user_education_historyfriends_education_historyProvides access to education history as the educationproperty
user_eventsfriends_eventsProvides access to the list of events the user is attending as the events connection
user_groupsfriends_groupsProvides access to the list of groups the user is a member of as the groups connection
user_hometownfriends_hometownProvides access to the user's hometown in thehometown property
user_interestsfriends_interestsProvides access to the user's list of interests as theinterests connection
user_likesfriends_likesProvides access to the list of all of the pages the user has liked as the likes connection
user_locationfriends_locationProvides access to the user's current location as thelocation property
user_notesfriends_notesProvides access to the user's notes as the notesconnection
user_photosfriends_photosProvides access to the photos the user has uploaded, and photos the user has been tagged in
user_questionsfriends_questionsProvides access to the questions the user or friend has asked
user_relationshipsfriends_relationshipsProvides access to the user's family and personal relationships and relationship status
user_relationship_detailsfriends_relationship_detailsProvides access to the user's relationship preferences
user_religion_politicsfriends_religion_politicsProvides access to the user's religious and political affiliations
user_statusfriends_statusProvides access to the user's status messages and checkins. Please see the documentation for thelocation_post table for information on how this permission may affect retrieval of information about the locations associated with posts.
user_subscriptionsfriends_subscriptionsProvides access to the user's subscribers and subscribees
user_videosfriends_videosProvides access to the videos the user has uploaded, and videos the user has been tagged in
user_websitefriends_websiteProvides access to the user's web site URL
user_work_historyfriends_work_historyProvides access to work history as the work property
emailN/AProvides access to the user's primary email address in the email property. Do not spam users. Your use of email must comply both with Facebook policies and with the CAN-SPAM Act.